Saturday 8 August 2015

Essentials for setting up a Milk Processing Business

Milk production and processing business have become the key industry in the European countries as well as all across the world. Currently the largest producer and consumer of milk and milk products are Asian countries like India and China but it appears that very soon the consumption in the European countries will overcome the Asian countries. The facts and figures suggest that there will be a steep rise in the value added milk products in the year 2015. This means that there will be a great opportunity to jump into the milk processing business and be a part of the packaged dairy food producers.

To be ahead and distinct from the rest of the dairy food players in the market you will need to concentrate on proper development, marketing and distribution of dairy products. Below is some essential piece of information which you need to know if you are planning to set up a dairy farm or milk processing business.

Depending on your investment capacity, you can set a small scale business, moderate capital cost or a high investment sophisticated dairy plant to yield the benefits of milk production and milk processing business. Also the plant setup will require various equipments based on the how many value added dairy products you wish to manufacture.

There are various capacity solutions which depend on the quantity of milk to be processed each day.

500 Liters per day: This quantity of milk for processing is suitable for dairy farms having 60-100 buffaloes and cows. To reap higher benefits than the usual, the business owners can sell pasteurized milk in pouches instead of raw milk. For small scale milk pasteurization and pouch production, the required equipments will be:

•    Refrigeration system
•    Milk pumps
•    Storage Tanks
•    Cream separator
•    Pasteurizer
•    Pipes
•    Control Panel

All these milk processing equipments are available at various places but they should be bought from a reputed and trustworthy store.

1000 liters per day: This quantity of milk is ideal for dairy farms having 50-100 cows and buffaloes. The business owners can produce milk pouches, pure ghee and yoghurt.

2000 liters per day: This quantity of milk is perfect for dairy farms having 200-300 cows and buffaloes. The business owners can produce milk pouches, pure ghee, yoghurt, cottage cheese, flavored milk etc.

5000 liters per day: This quantity of milk is perfect for dairy farms having 300-500 cows and buffaloes. The business owners can produce milk pouches, pure ghee, yoghurt, cottage cheese, flavored milk, milk based sweets, ice-creams, butter, buttermilk, cheese etc.

It should be noted that the size and quantity of the equipments will change according to the quantity of the milk processed each day. Along with the equipments mentioned above a number of various other equipments are required.

The new dairy farm business aspirants can start up on a small scale with 500 liters of milk processing each day and then expanding the business accordingly. Along with the ease of availability of tankers and milk processing machines, other documentation and help is available at many organizations. The help includes support in setting up the processing plant, documentation, infrastructure planning, estimate and guidelines for civil construction and all other help.  


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