Sunday 8 November 2015

Common Passion fruit pestsand Diseases.

Passion fruit Fungal Spots.

Pest free
 fruits Already attacked by pest

This is a serious fungous disease, which affects leaves, stems and fruit. It occurs mainly in spring and early summer.


On leaves, small brown spots appear first. These enlarge, develop a lighter-coloured central area, and become irregular or angular in shape. On fruit, spots first appear as pinpricks, which enlarge into sunken circular lesions with brownish centres. Spots can develop into extensive superficial leasions causing premature drop and fruit decay.

Fruit flies can be controlled by destroying the gravid females which usually breed elsewhere but lay eggs in the orchard. An important step, then, is to eliminate nearby overripe fruits on which the adults feed and breed.
Fruit fly adults may be destroyed with various insecticides. One is malathion 25% wettable powder, which is sprayed at 1.5kg/hectare in 500 liters of water. Absolute caution should be exercised in making applications and every precaution taken to do so as safely as possible.
Fruit fly adults may be destroyed also by use of bait sprays made with 1.5kg of Malathion and 0.5kg of yeast hydrolysate in 500 liters of water per hectare.
Because the adult fruit flies roost on plants that are not necessarily host or crop plants, applications should be made not only on the passion fruit vines but on all nearby vegetation which might harbor the flies.
Frequency of application depends on the population. When adults are numerous, applications twice weekly may be necessary when young fruit is present.

other pests include;
